Record-Breaking Numbers of Containerized Cargo Bookings Generated by Limarko Group
Having become a major challenge to transportation and other industry sectors, the COVID-19 pandemic has not spared the companies of Limarko Group either. Despite the prevailing circumstances, Limarko Group celebrates the end of the year with great achievements. Record-breaking numbers of containerized cargo bookings are the most significant of all.
As observed since 2016, the growing demand for container bookings reached its peak last year, however, even higher numbers of such bookings were recorded by Limarko Group in 2020.
Within the first three quarters of this year the flow of containerized cargo bookings by Limarko Group is 3% higher compared to the same period in 2019.
It is projected that the number of generated containerized cargo bookings should reach 21.200 TEU in the last days of the year.
The dynamics of consolidated containerized cargo bookings displayed in the chart.